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143 – Contributory Parent visa (Permanent)

Family Visa

143 – Contributory Parent visa (Permanent)

The Contributory Parent visa allows eligible individuals to sponsor their parents to live with them in Australia, much like the Parent visa category. However, the key advantage of the Contributory Parent visa is that it offers a significantly reduced processing time, albeit at a higher cost. Applicants are required to pay a substantial application fee, a majority of which must be paid prior to lodging the permanent visa application.

This visa pathway is designed for parents who wish to reunite with their children living in Australia. If you are not currently a holder of a Contributory Parent visa, you may apply for the temporary Contributory Parent visa (Subclass 173) first. However, if you already hold a temporary Contributory Parent visa, you may apply for the permanent residence visa directly.

Happy Family with Child


Waiting for up to 30 years for a Parent visa (subclass 103) may not be feasible or practical in many situations. In such cases, the Contributory Parent visa pathway can offer a more viable option as it significantly reduces the waiting period.

If you have already obtained a temporary Contributory Parent visa (subclass 173), you may be eligible to apply for the permanent Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143) and bypass the long waiting period of the Parent visa subclass 103.

  • A Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143) allows you, your partner, and your dependent family members to reside in Australia on a permanent basis.
  • As a Contributory Parent visa holder, you may be permitted to work or study in Australia during your stay.
  • You may also gain access to healthcare services through Medicare, which is partially subsidized by the Australian government.
  • Additionally, you may be able to sponsor your family members for residency in Australia. Please note that a waiting period applies.
  • You may also be able to apply for social security benefits, although a waiting period may apply.


The requirements for this visa are:

Requirements for the Applicant:

  • The applicant must have a child who is either an Australian citizen, a permanent Australian resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen.

Alternative Sponsors:

  • If the applicant's child is not eligible to sponsor them, they may be sponsored by the following individuals or organizations:
  • Their child's partner.
  • A guardian or family member of their child.
  • A guardian or family member of their child's partner.
  • A community organization.


  • If the Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143) is granted, the applicant and any additional family members must comply with all Australian laws.
  • As the sponsor, you will be required to assist your family members and help them settle in Australia by providing moral support, adequate accommodation, and financial support.
  • Sponsorship must be provided for the first two years from either the date of entry to Australia if the application was lodged outside of Australia or from the date the visa was granted if the application was lodged in Australia.
  • During the first two years of residency, the sponsor must comply with these obligations.